Wednesday, February 25, 2009

my com is alive again! yeah! just back from sports heats 2! yeah, and i lost. :o! nvm! i know i'm nt into 400m.. so its ok... :D 2nd in long jump! and i've to jump 8 time for it.. just for that tie with that girl?. gosh.. aches lah please....
oh yes, jy.wb! :D
Friday, February 13, 2009

haha! this is how bad my acupuncture is.. heh..
yeah, today is valentines day.. nth special to me though.. pig have no more voice! :O i hope he can recoverr soooooon! badminton later people! valentines day is for me to exercise! next week is sports heats alr!! my gosh, thats sooo fast.. lose it mann!
at least i tried to participate and nt scared of anything regardless of lose or win.. i didnt say its a must to win, its just to learn and experience.. '' 学会认输!'' thats my speech of the day! i'm nt being demanding or unreasonable. dont want run, its fine. its nt for me, but for our house. its the last yr in beatty. so why nt just participate and just feel the fun in it?. nobody will blame u if we lose. the most impt thing is we've tried as a team.. thats wad i want.. 一起跌倒,一起爬起来!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
yeah, i'm sparing myself some time before i go back to study again becos i want talk! but no no no no! i must bear with it and we'll talk tmr! yess.. every sunday is talking day! sleep well you! :D
i watched the 2nd lion dance at the coffee shop today. hoho.. that is why i'm so lucky in some kind of ways.. and went jogging with ade and we talk for quite long too..WB! hahas..
i anyhow write for ss test and i hope i can pass.. e-maths test was fine, chem test just sucks to the core.. at least give more time! chh! made ez-link with yunni and i hope i wont lost it again! and sec 1s was hard to control! my god, stress..
outcoming test:
history SBQ(9th feb)geog( 10th feb)Amaths(11th feb)physics(12th feb)chem13th feb)okay, everyday tests! suck it!
sweets for sec 1s, chocolates for you. (: