Friday, April 30, 2010

today is the first time i bring my lappy to school.. woo! heavy like mad. but then i had fun with it too! h&w was boring. and we waited till teacher walk out, i started playing with my webcam with rebecca and huibing. hahaha. so fun. explore explore. then leah,yisheng and qiurong joined, then bryan also came, then almost whole class came! just that the screen nt big enough, if nt whole class confirm take together!! fun to the maxx. i love playing with lappy! must play with it again.. hahaha!
i'm trying nt to tink of what u've done because i dont want make myself so miserable. whatever is done, is done. i just want to believe what is in front of me. or i shld say us.
7:15 AM
Thursday, April 29, 2010
cough cough cough. i'm still coughing rather badly. zzz. i want eat nice nice de food lah! ): keep it short, this week was rather busy. i'm tired almost eveyrday in class. sleep sleep and sleep. ooops. floorball is going be my cca, hopefully its only saturday training la. if nt i cant meet boy boy even once a week liao. hahas.
today gt punished by bro and cant have dinner at home. so i had my pancake! and keyboard at guitar place is spoilt! ): i want learn piano from Audrey! ):
most importantly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER! :D
7:37 AM
Monday, April 26, 2010
nose block! ARGH! terrible mann. must be eat too much med. i dont want to sick again mann! no more no more! i want more oxygen please.. zzz.
oh yes, chua sister please cheer up! i will always be here for you! 24/7! :D
7:27 AM
Friday, April 23, 2010

MASK GIRL! zzz. i cant go to school on the 5th day. how sad. ): my head is extremely pain this morning. and the doctor told me my temperature is 38.6!argh, no wonder i feel my head is going explode. walk also giddy, eat will feel like vomiting. zzz. how xin ku la! ): poor boy boy is sick too! mann. girl girl boy boy sick together! hope you will get well soon too!
5:59 AM
Saturday, April 17, 2010

starting school in 2 days time! its nt that i dont like sch, but why must wake up so earlyy!!! i dont like to go back to sec sch life la. haix. start early, end late. so sian.... haix.
woo! DNHW 1A/02 is super enthu! we managed to collect $1428 during flag day! super cool lah. we took a few photos too! haha. hope our class can have a great 3 yrs! stay cool! :D
my stupid is hiding things from me. everything also dont want tell me. ):
5:28 AM
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
DNHW 1A/02! my class is cool. we won for the pull the ribbon game, which is rather fun. shout like one crazy woman there. lol. hope to have a great and memorable 3 yrs ahead with these classmates of mine! flag day tomorrow at clark quay from 7.30am to 2pm! bored to the maxx. )):
i hate it when people force me to do something i dont like. i hate telling lies,so i tell you the truth. all i nid is i just want ur trust. ):
5:46 AM
Saturday, April 10, 2010
wohoo! i got wireless already! happy to the maxx! :D
but i bought a wrong hard disk. wth, have to go all the way back to funan again. i dont mind if my ez-link is student price can! haix.
9 more days to sch starts! zzz.
10 more days to 20th. but u'll not be here though. miss you!
9:03 AM
Friday, April 09, 2010
i hate my timetable! hate it HATE IT! 1yr nid to attend 700plus hours of lessons! wth! cant imagine how NO LIFE i can get. zzz.. i'll so envy yunni next time! argh. SIAN!
anyway stupid also will be busy, i also busy, less time for us to meet already. like today, only met for 1.5hrs! i don't like to go home thinking when can i meet you again.. miss stupid! zzz.
6:28 AM
Monday, April 05, 2010

I WANT TO REALLY STEPPED INTO UNIVERYSAL STUDIO!!! NOT STAND AT THE CORRIDOR! zzz.. the car is freaking big and nice! woo! if i got money, i confirm treat my friends all go universal studio! :D
stupid ask me go online, end up donno where is he..
7:52 AM