Saturday, July 17, 2010

HI! i donno how to describe today! woke up at 5.15AM and its raining damn freaking heavy. and i was taking my time before leaving house at 6.10.. and i just happen to take the bus that came first. and its 124. and then here comes the flood! wohoo! my whole track pants and shoes were wet and i have to find a toilet to change everything and continue my next how do u call that?. haha. the water was up to my knee man! and thanks to a auntie held me when i'm stuck in the middle coz of the metals. wah, pain like wts. but finally i reached sch at 8.10!2 hours hor!

here comes singapore poly biathlon! under the sun, under the rain! slack slack and more slack. if its not them, i'll have lesser thing to do. aha! but i hope i wont see them again. like seriously, dont appear in front of me ever again. you suck until cannot suck! wtf!

we had a comfortable hair wash! like shiok only hor? :D
Saturday, July 10, 2010
its beeen 9 days since i blog?. hais. i dont mind going to school. but i dont want so much assignments and tests coming up to me like i'm able to finish it like a robot. i need some rest and some life please.. i'm lucky enough to pass my food sci test! now i wish i can pass psychology! and i will work hard for next test. i want learn keyboard! learn more songs! so so fun!:D
& i want see slipper guy please. zzz.